(W) 3. E. Provide a conclusion that follows form and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative.
In my cover letter I had to provide a strong conclusion. The conclusion I wrote consisted of my home phone number and email. It also had two concluding sentences. The first sentence said thanks to the company for taking the time to look at my application. The second sentence said that they can refer back to my application and resume for more information. My concluding sentence reflects on what was observed and resolved over the course of the narrative. Overall, my cover letter was informative and professional.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
(W) 3. D. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
A poem, I wrote my creative writing final, was named "Just Another Face." The poem was about how we see new faces each day, but we should not judge these faces. Many people tend to judge others by their image, when they don't even know the person. In order, for my message to be clear I had to use descriptive language and many details. I had to put many details to the character's actions and feelings. The tone of my poem was realistic and it made you think. In my opinion, I was able to explain the theme I was going for. In order, for me to accomplish this I conveyed a vivid picture of the setting and events. My Poem, "Just Another Face," teaches you not to judge someone by their appearance. You have to get to know the person before being judgmental.
(W) 3. D. Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
A poem, I wrote my creative writing final, was named "Just Another Face." The poem was about how we see new faces each day, but we should not judge these faces. Many people tend to judge others by their image, when they don't even know the person. In order, for my message to be clear I had to use descriptive language and many details. I had to put many details to the character's actions and feelings. The tone of my poem was realistic and it made you think. In my opinion, I was able to explain the theme I was going for. In order, for me to accomplish this I conveyed a vivid picture of the setting and events. My Poem, "Just Another Face," teaches you not to judge someone by their appearance. You have to get to know the person before being judgmental.
(W) 3. B. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
For one of my finals, I had to write a flash fiction story. A flash fiction story can be about anything as long as it is fiction and under 1,000 words. My flash fiction story was about a college student who decides to get her own apartment. The problem with the apartment was that it was being haunted by a man who committed suicide. The man committed suicide after discovering his wife had cheated on him. In the story, I used a lot of descriptive words to set the mood. In addition to that I used many details to describe the plot lines. Through out the story I developed the characters' personalities and the sets of events. The story had dialogue between the college student and the man haunting the apartment. The mood that I created through out the story was creepy and intense. My flash fiction story consisted of narrative techniques, which made it easier to understand and read.
(W) 3. B. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
For one of my finals, I had to write a flash fiction story. A flash fiction story can be about anything as long as it is fiction and under 1,000 words. My flash fiction story was about a college student who decides to get her own apartment. The problem with the apartment was that it was being haunted by a man who committed suicide. The man committed suicide after discovering his wife had cheated on him. In the story, I used a lot of descriptive words to set the mood. In addition to that I used many details to describe the plot lines. Through out the story I developed the characters' personalities and the sets of events. The story had dialogue between the college student and the man haunting the apartment. The mood that I created through out the story was creepy and intense. My flash fiction story consisted of narrative techniques, which made it easier to understand and read.
(W) 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
An essay I wrote asked the following, "Talk about a time when you or one of your classmates were treated unfairly. How did you react? What was the outcome?" The way I answered this prompt was, there was time in elementary when my classmates were treated unfairly. They were treated unfairly by the teacher because she chose her favorite students to go on a field trip and not the other students. More than half of the class wasn't able to go and I find that very unfair. In my essay, I tried to use the appropriate vocabulary for my audience. Throughout the essay all of the structure was cohesive and easy to understand. Overall, my essay was clear and organized, while still using the appropriate style and vocabulary.
(W) 4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
An essay I wrote asked the following, "Talk about a time when you or one of your classmates were treated unfairly. How did you react? What was the outcome?" The way I answered this prompt was, there was time in elementary when my classmates were treated unfairly. They were treated unfairly by the teacher because she chose her favorite students to go on a field trip and not the other students. More than half of the class wasn't able to go and I find that very unfair. In my essay, I tried to use the appropriate vocabulary for my audience. Throughout the essay all of the structure was cohesive and easy to understand. Overall, my essay was clear and organized, while still using the appropriate style and vocabulary.
(W) 1. E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows form and supports the argument presented.
In the resume I wrote, I had to have a strong concluding statement. The concluding sentence consisted of my house phone, my email, and an appreciation sentence. The appreciation sentence said, " Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon." The concluding statement supports the whole resume because it is a strong closure. Without the concluding sentence the resume wouldn't seem completed and would lose professionalism. In all, my resume's concluding statement supports the argument or idea presented.
(W) 1. E. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows form and supports the argument presented.
In the resume I wrote, I had to have a strong concluding statement. The concluding sentence consisted of my house phone, my email, and an appreciation sentence. The appreciation sentence said, " Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon." The concluding statement supports the whole resume because it is a strong closure. Without the concluding sentence the resume wouldn't seem completed and would lose professionalism. In all, my resume's concluding statement supports the argument or idea presented.
(W) 1. D. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
In this pass week, I wrote a resume along with a cover letter for the Kaweah Medical Center application. The resume was objective and got right to the point. It also was informative and written with good vocabulary. The resume was written in a formal and professional style. The way I conquered all this was by researching how to write a good resume. Also, I researched the company's background to know what traits and experience they were looking for in a candidate. In my resume, I created a formal and professional tone, while attending the norms and conventions of discipline.
(W) 1. D. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
In this pass week, I wrote a resume along with a cover letter for the Kaweah Medical Center application. The resume was objective and got right to the point. It also was informative and written with good vocabulary. The resume was written in a formal and professional style. The way I conquered all this was by researching how to write a good resume. Also, I researched the company's background to know what traits and experience they were looking for in a candidate. In my resume, I created a formal and professional tone, while attending the norms and conventions of discipline.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
(W) 2. E. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
While writing my cover letter, for the Kaweah Medical Center application, I had to use the formal vocabulary.The cover letter couldn't be confusing or too long. It had to get right to the point and had to be objective and informative. Basically, I had to inform the company why I would be a good candidate and what things I can offer for the job. In the cover letter, I had to talk about the beneficial traits I provide, without sounding arrogant or over confident. In order, for me to write a good cover letter I had to write the text in a formal and professional style. Overall, my cover letter was informative and attended the conventions of discipline.
(W) 2. E. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
While writing my cover letter, for the Kaweah Medical Center application, I had to use the formal vocabulary.The cover letter couldn't be confusing or too long. It had to get right to the point and had to be objective and informative. Basically, I had to inform the company why I would be a good candidate and what things I can offer for the job. In the cover letter, I had to talk about the beneficial traits I provide, without sounding arrogant or over confident. In order, for me to write a good cover letter I had to write the text in a formal and professional style. Overall, my cover letter was informative and attended the conventions of discipline.
(W) 2. D. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic.
Currently, I have been working on scholarship essays. One essay I had to write asked, "Compare a short and long-term goal you have. What is your priority? Why?" In my essay, I used similes and metaphors to compare my short and long term goals. My essay consisted of professional grammar and complex conjunction breaks. Also, I explained that going to college is my short term goal. I compared my education to my love to my family. Both of these things are extremely important to me, which I explained in my essay. In addition to that, I used different writing techniques. Some of the writing techniques I used were personal connections and descriptive language. All of the writing techniques, I used in my writing helped me manage the complexity of the question that was being asked in the essay prompt.
(W) 2. D. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic.
Currently, I have been working on scholarship essays. One essay I had to write asked, "Compare a short and long-term goal you have. What is your priority? Why?" In my essay, I used similes and metaphors to compare my short and long term goals. My essay consisted of professional grammar and complex conjunction breaks. Also, I explained that going to college is my short term goal. I compared my education to my love to my family. Both of these things are extremely important to me, which I explained in my essay. In addition to that, I used different writing techniques. Some of the writing techniques I used were personal connections and descriptive language. All of the writing techniques, I used in my writing helped me manage the complexity of the question that was being asked in the essay prompt.
(RI) 3. Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text.
In chapters 1-3, in Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley, the sequence of events begin with the young girl coming home after being missing for years. Then, it explains how the girl had lost her memory. According to the girl she is thirteen, but in reality she is actually sixteen years old. Then, it begins talking about all the events the young girl had missed since she was gone. The fact that she has been missing for three years explains why she has missed so much in her family and friends' life. Through out the story, all the events start to make more sense and it makes it easier to understand the pretty girl's personality, as well as the other characters' personalities. Overall, each event the author writes about helps lead to the Pretty Girl-13's ending and helps the reader understand the way the text is organized and structured.
(RI) 3. Analyze a complex set of ideas or sequence of events and explain how specific individuals, ideas, or events interact and develop over the course of the text.
In chapters 1-3, in Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley, the sequence of events begin with the young girl coming home after being missing for years. Then, it explains how the girl had lost her memory. According to the girl she is thirteen, but in reality she is actually sixteen years old. Then, it begins talking about all the events the young girl had missed since she was gone. The fact that she has been missing for three years explains why she has missed so much in her family and friends' life. Through out the story, all the events start to make more sense and it makes it easier to understand the pretty girl's personality, as well as the other characters' personalities. Overall, each event the author writes about helps lead to the Pretty Girl-13's ending and helps the reader understand the way the text is organized and structured.
(RL) 6. Analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or understatement).
"He patted my back. "Given the timing and the age of the infant, it's likely.. it's quite likely.."
"He's mine." I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain." (Pretty Girl-13, Page 321)
This part of the story states many themes such as irony, confusion, and coincidence. The girl was kept hostage by her kidnapper for three years. In those years the the man had raped her on many occasions. The young girl became pregnant, but after her labor she was told her baby was born dead. This was a lie the kidnapper told her. The kidnapper gave her baby to an adoption agency. The ironic part is that her neighbor's baby, which she has been babysitting, is actually hers. It is such a crazy coincidence that her neighbor's son is actually hers. At first, the girl was really confused and didn't believe it. After, she thought about the incredible bond she had with the baby, she knew it was true. The author did a great job creating irony, confusion, and coincidence. In this part, I really felt connected to the characters and their feelings.
(RL) 6. Analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or understatement).
"He patted my back. "Given the timing and the age of the infant, it's likely.. it's quite likely.."
"He's mine." I squeezed my eyes shut against the pain." (Pretty Girl-13, Page 321)
This part of the story states many themes such as irony, confusion, and coincidence. The girl was kept hostage by her kidnapper for three years. In those years the the man had raped her on many occasions. The young girl became pregnant, but after her labor she was told her baby was born dead. This was a lie the kidnapper told her. The kidnapper gave her baby to an adoption agency. The ironic part is that her neighbor's baby, which she has been babysitting, is actually hers. It is such a crazy coincidence that her neighbor's son is actually hers. At first, the girl was really confused and didn't believe it. After, she thought about the incredible bond she had with the baby, she knew it was true. The author did a great job creating irony, confusion, and coincidence. In this part, I really felt connected to the characters and their feelings.
(RL) 5. Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as its aesthetic impact.
In the book, Pretty Girl-13, the author begins the story with the present. Through out the book, it has flashbacks to the past. The story changes to different time periods such as the present, the past, and dreams. Although, some readers think the story plot is confusing, the author actually made it really easy to follow and understand. The author's choice of starting the story in the present helps create a mysterious mood, because you want to know who kidnapped the girl and how did she find her way back home. The fact that the story ended with the present makes it cohesive to the beginning of the story, since it also took place in the present. In Pretty Girl-13, the author creates an interesting and easy to follow structure, that not many stories have. This made the story really entertaining to read.
(RL) 5. Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as its aesthetic impact.
In the book, Pretty Girl-13, the author begins the story with the present. Through out the book, it has flashbacks to the past. The story changes to different time periods such as the present, the past, and dreams. Although, some readers think the story plot is confusing, the author actually made it really easy to follow and understand. The author's choice of starting the story in the present helps create a mysterious mood, because you want to know who kidnapped the girl and how did she find her way back home. The fact that the story ended with the present makes it cohesive to the beginning of the story, since it also took place in the present. In Pretty Girl-13, the author creates an interesting and easy to follow structure, that not many stories have. This made the story really entertaining to read.
(RL) 3. Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or a drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters/archetypes are introduced and developed).
In the story Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley, the author sets the mood as very suspenseful and mysterious. In the beginning of the story, it talks about a young girl who had been missing for years and out of no where finds her way back home. The way the author introduces the characters is very smart because it's in order by the character's importance. The first characters introduced were the young girl and her kidnapper. The way the author makes the mood suspenseful is she doesn't tell us who the kidnapper is or where he is from. Another way, the author makes the mood suspenseful is she says the girl had lost her memory, so she doesn't remember anything that happened after being kidnapped. The author makes the story relate able because the young girl is a teenager close to the same age as me. This helps me understand how the girl feels. Overall, the author's way of developing the story makes me really intrigued and interested to continue reading.
(RL) 3. Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or a drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters/archetypes are introduced and developed).
In the story Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley, the author sets the mood as very suspenseful and mysterious. In the beginning of the story, it talks about a young girl who had been missing for years and out of no where finds her way back home. The way the author introduces the characters is very smart because it's in order by the character's importance. The first characters introduced were the young girl and her kidnapper. The way the author makes the mood suspenseful is she doesn't tell us who the kidnapper is or where he is from. Another way, the author makes the mood suspenseful is she says the girl had lost her memory, so she doesn't remember anything that happened after being kidnapped. The author makes the story relate able because the young girl is a teenager close to the same age as me. This helps me understand how the girl feels. Overall, the author's way of developing the story makes me really intrigued and interested to continue reading.
These past weeks we've been really busy with writing essays and working on our finals. We didn't get a chance to open the student store because of the rainy weather, but we will open it this Tuesday after school. The inventory sheets are really helpful for us, since they help us keep record of how many items we have sold. Hopefully, many students stop by the student store.
These past weeks we've been really busy with writing essays and working on our finals. We didn't get a chance to open the student store because of the rainy weather, but we will open it this Tuesday after school. The inventory sheets are really helpful for us, since they help us keep record of how many items we have sold. Hopefully, many students stop by the student store.
Friday, December 5, 2014
The student store was opened on Wednesday, Dec. 3. It went pretty well, the only bad thing was many students wanted to buy snacks but weren't able to because we had to wait 30 minutes after school before we could sell any snacks. A lot of the students were already gone by the time we had opened the student store. We sold, in my opinion, a fair amount to start off with. We used the inventory sheets to collect all the data we sold and what were the most popular items. Now we have to choose what days we want to open the student store and find out if maybe there's a way we can open the student store sooner.
The student store was opened on Wednesday, Dec. 3. It went pretty well, the only bad thing was many students wanted to buy snacks but weren't able to because we had to wait 30 minutes after school before we could sell any snacks. A lot of the students were already gone by the time we had opened the student store. We sold, in my opinion, a fair amount to start off with. We used the inventory sheets to collect all the data we sold and what were the most popular items. Now we have to choose what days we want to open the student store and find out if maybe there's a way we can open the student store sooner.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
We were planning to open the student store on the Friday beforebreak, but the thing was that we didn't have locks on the fridge and everyone was already gone afterschool. People pretty much left home so early because Thanksgiving break had begun. Now we have the locks for the fridge and the student store cabinet. We got the key from Silvia and we are planning on opening the student store afterschool on Wednesday, December 3rd. Currently, I am working on having my blog updated and also working on connecting English Standards to our project. I still have a quantity of English Standards to write about, so I am going to work on that this week.
We were planning to open the student store on the Friday beforebreak, but the thing was that we didn't have locks on the fridge and everyone was already gone afterschool. People pretty much left home so early because Thanksgiving break had begun. Now we have the locks for the fridge and the student store cabinet. We got the key from Silvia and we are planning on opening the student store afterschool on Wednesday, December 3rd. Currently, I am working on having my blog updated and also working on connecting English Standards to our project. I still have a quantity of English Standards to write about, so I am going to work on that this week.
Friday, November 21, 2014
The student store is ready to be opened, we are planning on opening it today. We made posters and hung them around the school. Patty went to Smart & Final and on Tuesday she gave us all of the merchandise. This week we pretty much calculated how much we want to sell each item and how much profit we will get. Also, we made an inventory sheet so we can be able to keep track of how much merchandise we have and which items are the most popular. The inventory sheets help us know how much money we have earned that day. Another thing we did this week was clean up the fridge Mr. K gave us and made sure the wooden cabinet/student store looked nice and presentable. Also, I did two of my Civics standards and turned them in to Mrs. Cervantes.
The student store is ready to be opened, we are planning on opening it today. We made posters and hung them around the school. Patty went to Smart & Final and on Tuesday she gave us all of the merchandise. This week we pretty much calculated how much we want to sell each item and how much profit we will get. Also, we made an inventory sheet so we can be able to keep track of how much merchandise we have and which items are the most popular. The inventory sheets help us know how much money we have earned that day. Another thing we did this week was clean up the fridge Mr. K gave us and made sure the wooden cabinet/student store looked nice and presentable. Also, I did two of my Civics standards and turned them in to Mrs. Cervantes.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Right now we are planning on opening the student store by Friday, November 21 after school. Currently, we are working on making posters to let the students know when the student store will be open and what time it will be open. Also, we have made a list of snacks we want to sell at the student store. We gave the list to Patty so she can buy the snacks at Smart & Final. Now we have to decide how much we are going to sell each item. Hopefully, everything works out as planned and we open the student store by Friday.
Right now we are planning on opening the student store by Friday, November 21 after school. Currently, we are working on making posters to let the students know when the student store will be open and what time it will be open. Also, we have made a list of snacks we want to sell at the student store. We gave the list to Patty so she can buy the snacks at Smart & Final. Now we have to decide how much we are going to sell each item. Hopefully, everything works out as planned and we open the student store by Friday.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Right now we are working on getting donations for the student store snacks. Mr. K told us that we are allowed to sell the snacks of our choosing as long as it is 30 minutes after school. We have started the donation request to Smart & Final. We have not finished it so we will continue to work on it. Also, we looked online for DIY silkscreens and have decided we are going to try to make our own silkscreen. We will need to buy nylons, frame, mosh glue, index cards, and ink paint to make the build the silkscreen. If the DIY silkscreen doesn't work out we can look for foundations that can donate money to buy a silkscreen.
Right now we are working on getting donations for the student store snacks. Mr. K told us that we are allowed to sell the snacks of our choosing as long as it is 30 minutes after school. We have started the donation request to Smart & Final. We have not finished it so we will continue to work on it. Also, we looked online for DIY silkscreens and have decided we are going to try to make our own silkscreen. We will need to buy nylons, frame, mosh glue, index cards, and ink paint to make the build the silkscreen. If the DIY silkscreen doesn't work out we can look for foundations that can donate money to buy a silkscreen.
Friday, October 31, 2014
This week we weren't really able to paint all of the wooden cabinet/student store because we are on minimum day schedule, so the classes are really short. We tried to contact Jeannie so we can talk about the food we can sell for the student store, but we weren't able to get a hold of her. Julisa and I have decided that it would be a good idea to get a silkscreen and sell different t-shirts. When, Julisa went to Fresno State to talk about the project, one of the ladies said she might be able to donate so we can get a silkscreen, since that is her business. We still need to call her and see if she would be able to donate. If not there's another option, which is we can build a silkscreen ourselves. Next week, we are planning on contacting Jeannie again and also contacting the student from Fresno State who can help us with the silkscreen.
This week we weren't really able to paint all of the wooden cabinet/student store because we are on minimum day schedule, so the classes are really short. We tried to contact Jeannie so we can talk about the food we can sell for the student store, but we weren't able to get a hold of her. Julisa and I have decided that it would be a good idea to get a silkscreen and sell different t-shirts. When, Julisa went to Fresno State to talk about the project, one of the ladies said she might be able to donate so we can get a silkscreen, since that is her business. We still need to call her and see if she would be able to donate. If not there's another option, which is we can build a silkscreen ourselves. Next week, we are planning on contacting Jeannie again and also contacting the student from Fresno State who can help us with the silkscreen.
Friday, October 24, 2014
This week we called other schools to ask about the food they are able to sell in their student stores and snack bars. Many of the people we called were very helpful and gave us websites we can go to that will provide snacks that schools are allowed to sell. Also, we finished painting the student store outline and borders. Next week we have to finish painting the inside of the student store and we also have to look up the chalk paint. Chalk paint is paint that you are able to write on, so we can write the prices of snacks on the board.
This week we called other schools to ask about the food they are able to sell in their student stores and snack bars. Many of the people we called were very helpful and gave us websites we can go to that will provide snacks that schools are allowed to sell. Also, we finished painting the student store outline and borders. Next week we have to finish painting the inside of the student store and we also have to look up the chalk paint. Chalk paint is paint that you are able to write on, so we can write the prices of snacks on the board.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Currently, we are painting the wooden cabinet/student store. This week we painted the outlines of the cabinet in blue. Also, we met up with Jeannie to talk about the snacks we can sell during school hours. She said she still has to do more research about what snacks we can sell during school and after school, that don't contain too much sugar or sodium. We will probably meet up next week to talk more about it. Also, she said she can order the snacks for us. We didn't get donations this week because we didn't know if the fundraising request form was approved. We called Judy and she said it had been approved, so next week we are planning on getting donations for the snacks. Also, we are planning on having the wooden cabinet/student store all painted by next week.
Currently, we are painting the wooden cabinet/student store. This week we painted the outlines of the cabinet in blue. Also, we met up with Jeannie to talk about the snacks we can sell during school hours. She said she still has to do more research about what snacks we can sell during school and after school, that don't contain too much sugar or sodium. We will probably meet up next week to talk more about it. Also, she said she can order the snacks for us. We didn't get donations this week because we didn't know if the fundraising request form was approved. We called Judy and she said it had been approved, so next week we are planning on getting donations for the snacks. Also, we are planning on having the wooden cabinet/student store all painted by next week.
Monday, October 13, 2014
We have been working on the student store cabinet. We started painting the cabinet outline and we will continue to work on it. Also, we made copies of the surveys for the students to choose which snacks they like the best. The teachers passed them out and gave us the completed surveys. We tallied up the results, so now we know which snacks the students prefer. We still need to work on getting donations for the student store and also we have to work on painting the rest of the wooden cabinet.
We haven't received the list of food we can sell during school, so we are still waiting on that. Also, we haven't been told rather or not the fundraising request form was approved, so we are waiting on that. Next week we will try to have the wooden cabinet/student store all painted.
(W) 1a. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
A. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counter-claims, reasons, and evidence.
This week we had to work on our student store proposal. We had to make it persuasive and informative. The proposal had to inform the reader why we want to have a student store on campus. We had to support our claim by talking about how students are thirsty or hungry after school, so the student store would be very helpful. Especially to those who are in sports and don't have the time to walk to the store just to buy a drink. The proposal had to be organized and easy to understand. We used valid information to calculate the budget for the cost of the snacks. Overall, the proposal had to be informative and precise.
We have been working on the student store cabinet. We started painting the cabinet outline and we will continue to work on it. Also, we made copies of the surveys for the students to choose which snacks they like the best. The teachers passed them out and gave us the completed surveys. We tallied up the results, so now we know which snacks the students prefer. We still need to work on getting donations for the student store and also we have to work on painting the rest of the wooden cabinet.
We haven't received the list of food we can sell during school, so we are still waiting on that. Also, we haven't been told rather or not the fundraising request form was approved, so we are waiting on that. Next week we will try to have the wooden cabinet/student store all painted.
(W) 1a. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
A. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counter-claims, reasons, and evidence.
This week we had to work on our student store proposal. We had to make it persuasive and informative. The proposal had to inform the reader why we want to have a student store on campus. We had to support our claim by talking about how students are thirsty or hungry after school, so the student store would be very helpful. Especially to those who are in sports and don't have the time to walk to the store just to buy a drink. The proposal had to be organized and easy to understand. We used valid information to calculate the budget for the cost of the snacks. Overall, the proposal had to be informative and precise.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Currently, we are waiting for the fundraising request form to be approved, but meanwhile we have been working on other things. We have revised the cover letter for the businesses with Ms. Pilcher and Mr. Ryan. Also, we went to the District Office to ask if there are any food we are not allowed to sell after school. Pretty much what they told us is that we can sell any snacks that we please, as long as they are legal. Then, we asked if there are any food/snacks we can sell during school and they said they would send us the list of district approved snacks. We have found out that the student store can't be open right after school, it has to be opened at 3:30 p.m. so now the student store will be held at 3:30-4:30 p.m. Right now Mathew is working on adding shelves to the wooden cabinet student store. Then, after he is done we can help him paint it.
Next week, after the request form is approved, we will start looking for places to receive donations for the store. We will give the business owners the cover letter to explain who we are and what's the purpose of having a student store. Hopefully, we are able to receive food or money so we can open the store. The store money will be going to ASB, so the school in general.
(W) 2a. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis
of content.
A. Introduce a topic or thesis statement; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so
that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole.
This week we have been working on the cover letter for the businesses. The cover letter had to be organized properly and had to get right to the point. We tried using many concepts we have learned in the past to create a professional letter. The letter had to be clear so the business owners would know what we are seeking donations for and how the student store would benefit the school. Overall, the letter has to be organized, effective, and unified as a whole and I think we did exactly that.
Cover Letter With School Tax ID : https://docs.google.com/document/d/17vSDAnS57-DE9q2p1Z_Bor_ybzYb3qLT8HrHqrU-XOI/edit?usp=sharing
Currently, we are waiting for the fundraising request form to be approved, but meanwhile we have been working on other things. We have revised the cover letter for the businesses with Ms. Pilcher and Mr. Ryan. Also, we went to the District Office to ask if there are any food we are not allowed to sell after school. Pretty much what they told us is that we can sell any snacks that we please, as long as they are legal. Then, we asked if there are any food/snacks we can sell during school and they said they would send us the list of district approved snacks. We have found out that the student store can't be open right after school, it has to be opened at 3:30 p.m. so now the student store will be held at 3:30-4:30 p.m. Right now Mathew is working on adding shelves to the wooden cabinet student store. Then, after he is done we can help him paint it.
Next week, after the request form is approved, we will start looking for places to receive donations for the store. We will give the business owners the cover letter to explain who we are and what's the purpose of having a student store. Hopefully, we are able to receive food or money so we can open the store. The store money will be going to ASB, so the school in general.
(W) 2a. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis
of content.
A. Introduce a topic or thesis statement; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information so
that each new element builds on that which precedes it to create a unified whole.
This week we have been working on the cover letter for the businesses. The cover letter had to be organized properly and had to get right to the point. We tried using many concepts we have learned in the past to create a professional letter. The letter had to be clear so the business owners would know what we are seeking donations for and how the student store would benefit the school. Overall, the letter has to be organized, effective, and unified as a whole and I think we did exactly that.
Cover Letter With School Tax ID : https://docs.google.com/document/d/17vSDAnS57-DE9q2p1Z_Bor_ybzYb3qLT8HrHqrU-XOI/edit?usp=sharing
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Currently, we have the location and storage place for the student store. We finished sanding the wooden cabinet, so now we can be able to paint it. We have to mail the fundraising request form to the board, so they can approve it. In our timeline, we wrote that we had to get the school tax ID and we have gotten it. Now we can start receiving donations for the student store. We can't go to businesses until the fundraising request form is approved by the board. We finished the cover letter form, so we can give it to the local businesses. Hopefully, we get enough money to start buying our merchandise.
Before we buy the merchandise we are planning on making a survey of different snacks, so the students can choose which ones they like the best. This will help us buy snacks that will sell successfully. The money will go to ASB, so the school in general will benefit from the student store.
Currently, we have the location and storage place for the student store. We finished sanding the wooden cabinet, so now we can be able to paint it. We have to mail the fundraising request form to the board, so they can approve it. In our timeline, we wrote that we had to get the school tax ID and we have gotten it. Now we can start receiving donations for the student store. We can't go to businesses until the fundraising request form is approved by the board. We finished the cover letter form, so we can give it to the local businesses. Hopefully, we get enough money to start buying our merchandise.
Before we buy the merchandise we are planning on making a survey of different snacks, so the students can choose which ones they like the best. This will help us buy snacks that will sell successfully. The money will go to ASB, so the school in general will benefit from the student store.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
One of the issues we were having with the student store was the location. Now that we have talked to Mr. K, we have a location and a storage room. We don't have to build the booth, because a wooden storage cabinet was provided for us. All we have to do is paint the cabinet and make it look really nice and presentable. We are going to do that with the help of our classmates. Also, in order to have a student store we have to fill out a fundraising paper and send it to the board, so they can approve it.
Another thing, we have to work on is getting donations and money for us to be able to buy the merchandise. We still have to ask Mr. K for the school tax code so we can receive money for the store. We still haven't decided whether the money should go to ASB or the senior account.
12.2. Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the limits of rights and obligations as
democratic citizens, the relationship among them, and how they are secured.
As, students and citizens we have the right to freedom of speech in the classroom. We are able to voice are opinions and ideas. In the My Life Project, we are allowed to share our ideas and we are able to create the ideas, such as the skate park. One of our classmates had an idea to create a skate park in the community and we are all working together to make it happen. Another, project we are being allowed to express and make happen is the student store. We are working together to make a student store at our high school. During school we are allowed freedom of speech and if we weren't, we could do something about is, because by law that is our right as citizens.
One of the issues we were having with the student store was the location. Now that we have talked to Mr. K, we have a location and a storage room. We don't have to build the booth, because a wooden storage cabinet was provided for us. All we have to do is paint the cabinet and make it look really nice and presentable. We are going to do that with the help of our classmates. Also, in order to have a student store we have to fill out a fundraising paper and send it to the board, so they can approve it.
Another thing, we have to work on is getting donations and money for us to be able to buy the merchandise. We still have to ask Mr. K for the school tax code so we can receive money for the store. We still haven't decided whether the money should go to ASB or the senior account.
12.2. Students evaluate and take and defend positions on the limits of rights and obligations as
democratic citizens, the relationship among them, and how they are secured.
As, students and citizens we have the right to freedom of speech in the classroom. We are able to voice are opinions and ideas. In the My Life Project, we are allowed to share our ideas and we are able to create the ideas, such as the skate park. One of our classmates had an idea to create a skate park in the community and we are all working together to make it happen. Another, project we are being allowed to express and make happen is the student store. We are working together to make a student store at our high school. During school we are allowed freedom of speech and if we weren't, we could do something about is, because by law that is our right as citizens.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Currently, we are working on finishing the Skate Park Proposal by planning an outline of what job each person had to do. Also, some of the group members are going to try to get the tennis courts location for the skate park on September 10, 2014. They will present the proposal to the board and explain what we are trying to accomplish. If we get the location it'll really help us have everything planned out and then when we have a Grant or enough money, we can start building the skate park.
Another project, we are working on is the Student Store Proposal. We have written the cover letter, summary, introduction, and budget. We still need a couple more pages to have the proposal finished. The purpose of the student store is to benefit the students and also the school. The student store will be open afterschool, so it is convenient for the students who are hungry or thirsty afterschool. The group members of the My Life Project will be the ones who will be in charge of the student store.

(W) 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and
As a group, we have had to do a lot of research on how to create a student store on campus. We had to find the proper location and think about how much the merchandise would cost. We were assigned to start a group project proposal, and then present it. In order for us to know how to write a proposal we had to look up outlines and examples on the internet. Before the presentation, we had to write a cover letter, summary, introduction, and budget. We basically summarized or talked about each topic briefly. Then afterwards we got great feedback and ideas from the teachers, to improve our proposal and project. In order, for our project to be successful we have to critically think about what strategies and plans to use.
Currently, we are working on finishing the Skate Park Proposal by planning an outline of what job each person had to do. Also, some of the group members are going to try to get the tennis courts location for the skate park on September 10, 2014. They will present the proposal to the board and explain what we are trying to accomplish. If we get the location it'll really help us have everything planned out and then when we have a Grant or enough money, we can start building the skate park.
Another project, we are working on is the Student Store Proposal. We have written the cover letter, summary, introduction, and budget. We still need a couple more pages to have the proposal finished. The purpose of the student store is to benefit the students and also the school. The student store will be open afterschool, so it is convenient for the students who are hungry or thirsty afterschool. The group members of the My Life Project will be the ones who will be in charge of the student store.
(W) 5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a
new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and
As a group, we have had to do a lot of research on how to create a student store on campus. We had to find the proper location and think about how much the merchandise would cost. We were assigned to start a group project proposal, and then present it. In order for us to know how to write a proposal we had to look up outlines and examples on the internet. Before the presentation, we had to write a cover letter, summary, introduction, and budget. We basically summarized or talked about each topic briefly. Then afterwards we got great feedback and ideas from the teachers, to improve our proposal and project. In order, for our project to be successful we have to critically think about what strategies and plans to use.
Friday, September 5, 2014
As a group, we will continue to work on the skate park and try to get a grant for us to be able to build it. Our group has already wrote the skate park proposal, so now we will work on writing our group project proposal. One idea we have is to make a student store on campus. The student store would probably take place afterschool. In order to make the student store we have to raise money so we can build the booth. In the student store booth; we want to sell snacks, drinks, school merchandise, and other items. We are not sure about the project yet. This is an idea or plan we really want to do. It would help us as individuals to learn responsibility and it would help students who need to buy something afterschool.
As an individual, I've decided that I really want to create a Fashion club! The other idea I had was a photography club, but I think that is not necessary since we already have a yearbook class at the school. The Fashion club would be really fun to have at school in my opinion. We can do DIY's on clothing, shoes, hair accessories, and even make up. I know a lot of students like to look up DIY videos online, so why not do at school where you can have help from your club members.

Not only can we do DIY's we can also do Fashion shows to raise money for different foundations. This could be an opportunity for students to be creative and express their ideas. Many people think a Fashion club can be "superficial", but it's nothing like that. Not only does it have to do with appearance and creativity, it also has to do with the Fashion industry. I was thinking if we have fundraisers and raise enough money, we can go talk to people in the Fashion industry/business at colleges. I have so many ideas for the Fashion club, but I know it's going to take ALOT of hard work to achieve it.
(RI) 6. Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly
effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of
the text.
After reading "The Alchemist" I learned many different things about life. This book really teaches you to appreciate the things and people you have in your life. It makes you question if chasing your dreams is all that matters. After getting to page 100, I couldn't put the book down and ended up finishing it. It's truly a great book and you wouldn't understand the purpose of it, until you actually read it for yourself.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
My interests and passions are Fashion and Photography. Having a Fashion club and Photography club in Laton High School, would really help students to be involved in school. From what I see, many students love photography and fashion. Fashion can help students express themselves without saying a word. Photography can help students capture memorable and important moments in their lives.
In the Fashion club we can learn how to sew, learn about the industry, learn about running a fashion business, and even have a fashion show to raise money for the club. By the research I've done I found that FIDM donates money for schools who want to start a fashion club. FIDM is mostly interested in small schools that have never had a fashion club, which is perfect for Laton High School. In order to receive money from FIDM, we would have to fill out a application which is due on December 31, 2014. Of course, we would need to find a teacher to run the club, but I am also more than happy to help with the club.
For the Photography club we can learn about correct lighting, what type of camera to use, how to edit photos, and we can also have a photo-shoot. With the photo-shoot pictures we can create a gallery or a slideshow for the school to see. In order, to have the photography club we would need an experienced photography teacher.
(RI) 5. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.
Reading "The Alchemist" helps us see the different perspective people have on life. Also, the text of the book has different patterns and organizations. The author is trying to make us understand the character's position by explaining the character's life and decisions he has made. By having to read the book we are comprehending the different types of literature.

Currently, we are reading the book "The Alchemist." The book focuses on a young man who chooses to be a shepherd because he loves to travel. He goes to a palm reader and she tells him he has a hidden treasure. Throughout, his journey the young man tries to discover what this treasure is and if it even exists.
My interests and passions are Fashion and Photography. Having a Fashion club and Photography club in Laton High School, would really help students to be involved in school. From what I see, many students love photography and fashion. Fashion can help students express themselves without saying a word. Photography can help students capture memorable and important moments in their lives.
In the Fashion club we can learn how to sew, learn about the industry, learn about running a fashion business, and even have a fashion show to raise money for the club. By the research I've done I found that FIDM donates money for schools who want to start a fashion club. FIDM is mostly interested in small schools that have never had a fashion club, which is perfect for Laton High School. In order to receive money from FIDM, we would have to fill out a application which is due on December 31, 2014. Of course, we would need to find a teacher to run the club, but I am also more than happy to help with the club.
For the Photography club we can learn about correct lighting, what type of camera to use, how to edit photos, and we can also have a photo-shoot. With the photo-shoot pictures we can create a gallery or a slideshow for the school to see. In order, to have the photography club we would need an experienced photography teacher.
(RI) 5. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.
Reading "The Alchemist" helps us see the different perspective people have on life. Also, the text of the book has different patterns and organizations. The author is trying to make us understand the character's position by explaining the character's life and decisions he has made. By having to read the book we are comprehending the different types of literature.
Currently, we are reading the book "The Alchemist." The book focuses on a young man who chooses to be a shepherd because he loves to travel. He goes to a palm reader and she tells him he has a hidden treasure. Throughout, his journey the young man tries to discover what this treasure is and if it even exists.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
On the first day of school our teacher passed out a Personality Inventory packet for us to complete. The packet had statements and we had to choose on a scale 1-5, how we can relate to it. At the end of the packet we had to add up the scoring and graph it. Then, we had to put each scoring in four columns. The columns were Clarifier, Ideator, Developer, and Implementer. Whichever column you had the highest score on, that was your Individual Interest. My highest score was Developer, but all my columns were very close to being the same score. A Developer enjoys putting together workable solutions and likes to examine the pluses and minuses of an idea. Although, the Developer may get stuck in developing the perfect solution. This Personality Inventory is to help us understand what part each person will play in the My Life Project.
LHS created a program called My Life Project. My Life Project has to do with improving the community and school, while learning important English and Civics standards. Currently, we are trying to build a skate park in the Laton Community. We have presented our idea to the board and have written a proposal. We haven't been able to get a Grant, but we will continue to work on it.

(W) 2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
B. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
While, we were writing the proposal for the skate park, we had to research what to write and how to write it. We had to use persuasive language so the board would understand our point of view. We also had to support our information with precise and relevant examples. All of our ideas and arguments had to be precise and had to support our proposal. The proposal overall had to persuade and inform the board that a skate park in the Laton community is necessary.
On the first day of school our teacher passed out a Personality Inventory packet for us to complete. The packet had statements and we had to choose on a scale 1-5, how we can relate to it. At the end of the packet we had to add up the scoring and graph it. Then, we had to put each scoring in four columns. The columns were Clarifier, Ideator, Developer, and Implementer. Whichever column you had the highest score on, that was your Individual Interest. My highest score was Developer, but all my columns were very close to being the same score. A Developer enjoys putting together workable solutions and likes to examine the pluses and minuses of an idea. Although, the Developer may get stuck in developing the perfect solution. This Personality Inventory is to help us understand what part each person will play in the My Life Project.
LHS created a program called My Life Project. My Life Project has to do with improving the community and school, while learning important English and Civics standards. Currently, we are trying to build a skate park in the Laton Community. We have presented our idea to the board and have written a proposal. We haven't been able to get a Grant, but we will continue to work on it.

(W) 2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
B. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
While, we were writing the proposal for the skate park, we had to research what to write and how to write it. We had to use persuasive language so the board would understand our point of view. We also had to support our information with precise and relevant examples. All of our ideas and arguments had to be precise and had to support our proposal. The proposal overall had to persuade and inform the board that a skate park in the Laton community is necessary.
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