As a group, we will continue to work on the skate park and try to get a grant for us to be able to build it. Our group has already wrote the skate park proposal, so now we will work on writing our group project proposal. One idea we have is to make a student store on campus. The student store would probably take place afterschool. In order to make the student store we have to raise money so we can build the booth. In the student store booth; we want to sell snacks, drinks, school merchandise, and other items. We are not sure about the project yet. This is an idea or plan we really want to do. It would help us as individuals to learn responsibility and it would help students who need to buy something afterschool.
As an individual, I've decided that I really want to create a Fashion club! The other idea I had was a photography club, but I think that is not necessary since we already have a yearbook class at the school. The Fashion club would be really fun to have at school in my opinion. We can do DIY's on clothing, shoes, hair accessories, and even make up. I know a lot of students like to look up DIY videos online, so why not do at school where you can have help from your club members.

Not only can we do DIY's we can also do Fashion shows to raise money for different foundations. This could be an opportunity for students to be creative and express their ideas. Many people think a Fashion club can be "superficial", but it's nothing like that. Not only does it have to do with appearance and creativity, it also has to do with the Fashion industry. I was thinking if we have fundraisers and raise enough money, we can go talk to people in the Fashion industry/business at colleges. I have so many ideas for the Fashion club, but I know it's going to take ALOT of hard work to achieve it.
(RI) 6. Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly
effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the power, persuasiveness or beauty of
the text.
After reading "The Alchemist" I learned many different things about life. This book really teaches you to appreciate the things and people you have in your life. It makes you question if chasing your dreams is all that matters. After getting to page 100, I couldn't put the book down and ended up finishing it. It's truly a great book and you wouldn't understand the purpose of it, until you actually read it for yourself.
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