Tuesday, December 16, 2014


(W) 2. D. Use precise language, domain-specific vocabulary, and techniques such as metaphor, simile, and analogy to manage the complexity of the topic.

                   Currently, I have been working on scholarship essays. One essay I had to write asked, "Compare a short and long-term goal you have. What is your priority? Why?" In my essay, I used similes and metaphors to compare my short and long term goals. My essay consisted of professional grammar and complex conjunction breaks. Also, I explained that going to college is my short term goal. I compared my education to my love to my family. Both of these things are extremely important to me, which I explained in my essay. In addition to that, I used different writing techniques. Some of the writing techniques I used were personal connections and descriptive language. All of the writing techniques, I used in my writing helped me manage the complexity of the question that was being asked in the essay prompt.

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