On the first day of school our teacher passed out a Personality Inventory packet for us to complete. The packet had statements and we had to choose on a scale 1-5, how we can relate to it. At the end of the packet we had to add up the scoring and graph it. Then, we had to put each scoring in four columns. The columns were Clarifier, Ideator, Developer, and Implementer. Whichever column you had the highest score on, that was your Individual Interest. My highest score was Developer, but all my columns were very close to being the same score. A Developer enjoys putting together workable solutions and likes to examine the pluses and minuses of an idea. Although, the Developer may get stuck in developing the perfect solution. This Personality Inventory is to help us understand what part each person will play in the My Life Project.
LHS created a program called My Life Project. My Life Project has to do with improving the community and school, while learning important English and Civics standards. Currently, we are trying to build a skate park in the Laton Community. We have presented our idea to the board and have written a proposal. We haven't been able to get a Grant, but we will continue to work on it.

(W) 2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
B. Develop the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
While, we were writing the proposal for the skate park, we had to research what to write and how to write it. We had to use persuasive language so the board would understand our point of view. We also had to support our information with precise and relevant examples. All of our ideas and arguments had to be precise and had to support our proposal. The proposal overall had to persuade and inform the board that a skate park in the Laton community is necessary.
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