Friday, March 13, 2015

             This Friday we are going to open the student store at the movie, What A Night, by the drama class. Also, this week we have been working on our Civics Standards and English Standards since the first quarter is almost here. The silkscreen project has been put on hold since we don't have money to buy a press. So we've decided to try to figure out a way for us to make our own press.

Friday, March 6, 2015

                      This week we opened the student store three times. Currently, we are trying to sell all of the merchandise of the store. We have almost made enough money to pay off the loan we got to buy all of the student store merchandise. We are trying to get another loan for the silk screen. We have decided to try to make our own press since the actual press is pricey. We can't start making the t-shirts until we get or make a press. Also, I have been working on English and Econ standards for the blog. Next week, we hope to get more information about receiving the loan to make the silk screen, so we can start making and selling t-shirts.